circulation. The later interact with signaling pathways of multiple growth viz.insulin/ insulin like growth factor
1(IGF1), Wnt etc. and activity of several ion channels. The protein appears to also protect cells from oxidative
stress [6]. Humanin is a mitochondria associated peptide that plays role in cell metabolism, survival, response to
stress, inflammation and apoptosis. Humanin analogues favourably influence age related diseases. Association
between human in levels and growth hormone/IGF1 axis and life span has also been demonstrated in mice [7].
Developmental ontogeny of organisms is programmed and co-ordinated by genes. No genes have been
attributed deterministic role in survival span and genes never evolve to cause disadvantage to the organism [8].
Gene repair capacity is under both genetic as well as epigenetic control which does influence rate of aging. When
genes encoding for molecules toward sustaining homeodynamics and homeostasis, cumulate damage and
dysfunction, they become “virtual gerontogenes”. Accumulating damages in form of mutations, epimutations,
oxidation and aggregation of macromolecules are detrimental to longevity. Certain mutations accelerate aging
changes, e.g. through altering insulin sensitivity and metabolism or dynamics of kinases, transcription factors and
variety of biological pathways. Altered gene regulation, accumulation of somatic mutations, protein errors and
modifications, imbalance of reactive oxygen species and free radicals, immune system deregulation and
neuroendocrine dysfunction are involved in systemic homeodynamic failure. At the cellular level shortening of
telomeres (the repeat neucliotide containing noncoding DNA at chromosomal ends that protect loss of important
DNA), progressive demethylation in the DNA and consequent progressive compromise of renewal and repair
system of cells are appealing mechanisms of aging.
Telomeres are DNA protein structures that form protective caps at ends of chromosomes providing
safeguard from degradation and maintain genomic integrity. Telomerase enzyme adds DNA sequence repeats in
telomere region at the end of chromosomes. Telomeres shorten with each cell division as process of aging.
Accelerated loss of telomeres associates chronic age related diseases. Oxidative stress increases erosion of
telomere length by oxidative modification of guanine in DNA at each cell division cycle in exposed cells. Shorter
telomere length associates increase of body mass index and adiposity and age related pathologies [9]. While
adiponectin correlates to longevity [10], disruptive leptin function results in metabolic decline and abnormal
body fat distribution [11]. Fat plays important role in regulation of energy metabolism and immune responses.
These effects are implemented through adipose tissue derived cytokines [12]. Gradual erosion of telomere length
proportionately increase genetic instability over the life course. When critically short length is reached, cell stops
dividing making no regenerative contribution to systemic maintenance [13].
Pathophysiologic understanding of the aging process
Ongoing biomedical research suggests disturbed rhythm of lifestyle eg., night shifts and stressors, improper
and excess eating, physical inactivity as provocative to multifaceted molecular mechanisms hastening the process
of ageing. The cellular senescence displays arrested division and threatened survival. Aging organism displays
progressive compromise in physiological functions and inability for homeostasis in face of stress, with increased
risk of age related diseases. Many aspects of physiology and behavior are driven by intrinsic circadian rhythm
which keeps synchrony among varied biological processes of the organism and co-ordinates them with the
environment. Components of the biological clock are also crucially involved in modulating physiological response
to genotoxic stress (specially, the oxidative stress), regulation of cell cycle, other proageing mechanisms,
carcinogenesis etc. Components of energy homeostasis, notably in the adipocytes, exhibit circadian rhythm in
energy balance, feeding behavior and regulation of body weight [14]. Dysegulation of glucose and lipid
metabolism, insulin sensitivity, detoxification of xenobiotics, and such other activities in varied permutations and
combination, aggravating ageing changes [15]. Psychological stress denotes overwhelming demand for constant
adjustments to changing environment and its molecular consequences (e.g. stress hormones, insulin sensitivity,
oxidative stress, inflammation, etc.). It links to unhealthy aging process [16, 17].
Negative effects of major stress on health are well documented. The aspects of stress-resistance however,
have potential to guide strategies for delaying ageing, especially at cellular level. Exposure to short term stress
may strengthen cellular adaptive response to stress (hormetic stress) with enhanced activity of molecular
chaperones and other defensive mechanisms. Prolonged exposure to stress, on the contrary, may overwhelm
compensatory responses [18].
Ageing process: as mTOR driven
Among the earliest theories of ageing being driven by oxidative stress , presupposes intracellular nutrient
and energy status as under constant scrutiny including, functional state of mitochondria and concentration of
reactive oxygen species produced in them and co-ordinated flow of such information along diverse multiple
To cite this paper: Pandit A, Pandey Bahuguna D, Kumar Pandey A, Pandey BL. 2016. On the Physiology and Medicine of Aging. J. Life Sci. Biomed. 6(5): 106-114;